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Seeking opinions on the decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting Chinese-style modernization The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a forum for non-Party personae and delivered an important speech

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a symposium in Zhongnanhai on May 20 to listen to the opinions and suggestions of the central committees of the democratic parties, the heads of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and representatives of personages without party affiliation on the decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to further comprehensively deepen reform and promote Chinese-style modernization. General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping presided over the forum and delivered an important speech stressing that the decision of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to convene the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, focusing on the study and deployment of further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting Chinese-style modernization, and the decision was taken from the new situation and tasks facing the Party and the country in a new journey, with the aim of thoroughly implementing the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress. We will make systematic plans and arrangements for further comprehensively deepening reform and provide a strong driving force and institutional guarantee for achieving the second Centenary Goal.


Members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee Wang Huning, CAI Qi and Ding Xuexiang attended the symposium.


At the symposium, Zheng Jianbang, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic Revolution, Ding Zhongli, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic League, Hao Mingjin, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic Progress Party, CAI Dafeng, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Farmers and Labor Party, Jiang Zuojun, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Zhigong Party, Wu Weihua, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Jiusan Society, Su Hui, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Taiwan League of Industry and Commerce, Gao Yunlong, chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and representative of independent persons, Pu Shilong, have made speeches. They fully agreed with the draft decision of the CPC Central Committee on further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting Chinese-style modernization, and agreed that it scientifically mapped out a major measure for further comprehensively deepening reform, clarified the guiding ideology, objectives, principles and key tasks of reform at a new historical starting point and a new historical orientation, and was of great theoretical, practical and epoch-making significance. It also put forward opinions and opinions on stimulating economic vitality, building a new pattern of coordinated regional development, promoting high-quality population development, developing new quality productivity, deepening the reform of the medical and health care system, overcoming institutional obstacles in personnel training, building a scientific and technological financial system compatible with scientific and technological innovation, promoting coordinated innovation between state-owned enterprises and private enterprises, advancing high-level opening up, and promoting integrated development across the Taiwan Straits Advice.


After listening carefully to everyone, Xi Jinping delivered an important speech. He first introduced the CPC Central Committee's consideration of the study of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee on further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting Chinese-style modernization and the relevant drafting of documents. He pointed out that promoting democracy, gathering wisdom and listening to opinions from all sides are the consistent practices and fine traditions of the CPC Central Committee in studying major issues and formulating important conference documents. In December last year, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China entrusted the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee to solicit opinions and suggestions from non-Party people on the relevant issues of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee. We focused on the practical experience of comprehensively deepening reform in the new era, the overall goal of comprehensively deepening reform, the important principles that need to be followed, and the goals, tasks and major measures for further deepening reform in various fields. We put forward many valuable opinions and suggestions on issues such as giving play to the role of non-Party people in comprehensively deepening reform. Members have put forward very good ideas and suggestions in their speeches just now, and we will carefully study and incorporate them. He thanked everyone on behalf of the CPC Central Committee.


Xi Jinping stressed that further comprehensively deepening reform to face the problem. Focusing on the needs of development and responding to the aspirations of the people, we will work hard to address the blocking points that hinder high-quality development, hot issues affecting social equity and justice, difficult issues in people's livelihood, prominent problems in Party building, and risks in all areas, so as to make reform more targeted and effective. We should address both the symptoms and root causes, and focus on addressing the root causes. We should continue to work on all fronts to ensure that our reform measures fully cover the major problems that need to be addressed to advance Chinese-style modernization. At the same time, we must continue to deepen with solid efforts, give priority to the economic system, and work hard to remove deep-seated institutional obstacles and structural problems.


Xi Jinping pointed out that further comprehensively deepening reform must enhance consensus. We must give full play to the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the whole Party and the people of the country, and strive to work in the same direction. We will vigorously carry out research, follow the mass line, ask the people what they need and ask for advice, respect the initiative of the grassroots and the people, and focus on identifying reform momentum and breakthroughs from the people's emergencies and anxieties, so as to enhance the people's sense of gain and recognition. We will continue to promote democracy and pool wisdom to make reform decisions more scientific and better able to implement reforms.


Xi Jinping stressed that in planning and promoting reform, we must adhere to the systematic concept and the overall concept, strengthen strategic thinking and dialectical thinking, prioritize and pay more attention to system integration. It is necessary to strengthen coordination and support of reform measures, and promote reform measures in various fields and aspects to work in the same direction to enhance their overall effectiveness. Relevant localities, departments and fields should form synergy to advance reform, and resolutely prevent and overcome their own efforts and mutual constraints.


Xi Jinping pointed out that the reform should pay attention to planning, but also to implement. It is necessary to carry forward the spirit of nail nail, establish and practice the correct view of political achievements, investigate the truth, make concrete moves, seek actual results, resolutely prevent and overcome formalism, and avoid the image project of vanity and the political performance project that costs people and money. Formulate a good implementation plan, make sure that the policy is accurate, timely and appropriate, do your best, do what you can, and do not deviate from reality. Adhere to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, pay attention to establishing first and then breaking, and cannot break first without establishing. We will strengthen organizational leadership, tighten responsibilities, improve the ability of leading groups and cadres at all levels to implement reform, and ensure that the reform decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee are effective.


Li Ganjie, Li Shulei, Li Hongzhong, He Lifeng, Zhang Guoqing, Chen Wenqing, Wang Xiaohong, Mu Hong, officials of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and relevant departments of The State Council attended the symposium.


The forum also attended by non-party members Shao Hong, He Baoxiang, Wang Guangqian, Qin Boyong, Zhu Yongxin, Yang Zhen and Zhang Endi, Jiang Liping, Fang Guanghua, Yang Huayong and so on.


Source: Chinese government website