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Accelerate the development of new quality productive forces in deepening understanding

At present, promoting high-quality development has become the consensus and conscious action of the whole Party and society. High-quality development needs a new productivity theory to guide, and the new quality productivity has formed and shown a strong driving force and support for high-quality development in practice. Since last year, General Secretary Xi Jinping has published a series of important discussions on new quality productivity, profoundly answering major theoretical and practical questions such as what is new quality productivity and how to develop new quality productivity, enriching and developing Marxist productivity theory, and providing scientific guidance for guiding new development practice. To implement the important discussion of General Secretary Xi Jinping on new quality productivity, we need to deeply understand the significance of cultivating and developing new quality productivity.


Important measures to seize the major opportunities of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. Xi Jinping General Secretary pointed out: "Scientific and technological innovation, like a lever to move the earth, can always create unexpected miracles." Every major scientific and technological advance in human history has improved the tools of labor and added strong impetus to economic and social development. In recent years, global scientific and technological innovation has entered an unprecedentedly intensive and active period, and a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation have accelerated. Seize this opportunity, we can seize the initiative of development. The new quality productivity is mainly generated by the revolutionary breakthrough of technology, and the remarkable feature is innovation. Developing new quality productive forces, strengthening scientific and technological innovation, especially original and disruptive technological innovation, and accelerating the realization of high-quality scientific and technological self-reliance will help us seize the major opportunities of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, accelerate the transformation of the development model, optimize the economic structure, shift the drivers of growth, and keep the initiative of development firmly in our own hands.


It is an important way to solve the principal contradiction in Chinese society effectively. General Secretary of the Xi Jinping pointed out: "From the perspective of development, the decisive factor leading the country's development fate is the development of social productive forces and the improvement of labor productivity." In the new era, the principal contradiction facing Chinese society is that between unbalanced and inadequate development and the people's ever-growing needs for a better life. To solve the principal contradiction facing Chinese society, we must promote high-quality development. The new quality productivity takes the improvement of workers, labor materials, labor objects and their optimal combination as its basic connotation, and the significant improvement of total factor productivity as its core symbol, and has the characteristics of high technology, high efficiency and high quality. Developing new quality productive forces is an inherent requirement and an important focus for promoting high-quality development. It will help China's economy take a path of higher quality, more efficient, fairer, more sustainable and safer development, better address the problem of unbalanced and inadequate development, and better meet the people's needs for a better life.


The important embodiment of superiority of our socialist market economy system. General Secretary of the Xi Jinping pointed out: "The development of the socialist market economy is a great creation of our Party." Since reform and opening up, especially since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, China has continuously improved the socialist market economic system, which has greatly promoted the development of productive forces, greatly enhanced the vitality of the Party and the country, and demonstrated huge institutional advantages. The new quality productivity not only needs the government's advance planning guidance and scientific policy support, but also needs the adjustment of market mechanism and the continuous innovation of micro-entities such as enterprises. We will unswervingly deepen market-oriented reform, make breakthroughs and innovations in key basic and major reforms of the economic system, and build a more complete and mature socialist market economy of a high standard. This will accelerate the development of new quality productive forces and further demonstrate the advantages of China's socialist market economy system.


Cultivating and developing new quality productive forces is a long-term task and a systematic project, involving all fields and aspects of the economy and society. We need to adhere to the systematic concept, take overall consideration, and correctly handle some important relationships.


We should properly handle the relationship between the government and the market. The new quality productivity is cultivated and driven by the government's "visible hand" and the market's "invisible hand". To cultivate and develop new quality productive forces, we must properly handle the relationship between the government and the market. We must deeply understand that the market allocation of resources is the most efficient form, and that the market determines the allocation of resources is the general law of the market economy, so as to deepen the reform of the economic structure, establish a high-standard market system, and strive to eliminate the bottlenecks that hinder the development of new quality productive forces. Give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation; It is also deeply aware that the government is the maker of market rules and the defender of market fairness, so as to better play the role of the government, constantly improve macroeconomic governance, strengthen market supervision, and strive to provide more quality public services.


Strike a balance between supply and demand. Economic development is a process of mutual influence, interaction and promotion between supply and demand. To cultivate and develop new quality productive forces, it is necessary to deal with the relationship between supply and demand. At present, in the face of the lack of effective demand and the lack of smooth domestic circulation, we need to integrate the strategy of expanding domestic demand with deepening supply-side structural reform, and work at both ends of the supply and demand in a coordinated manner to create a higher level of dynamic balance in which demand pulls supply and supply creates demand. It is conducive to cultivate and develop the new quality productive forces with the smooth circulation of domestic economy.


Handle the relationship between self-reliance and openness and cooperation. To develop new quality productive forces, we must uphold independence and self-reliance, further deepen reform of the system for science and technology, give full play to the advantages of a new type of nationwide system, strengthen the national strategic strength in science and technology, strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, optimize the allocation of innovation resources, strive to make breakthroughs in key and core technologies, and promote self-reliance in high-level science and technology. At the same time, open cooperation is an important driving force for social progress and productivity development. We should continue to open wider to the outside world at a high level, deeply participate in the global division of labor and cooperation, enhance the synergy between domestic and international markets and resources, maintain a diversified and stable international economic structure and economic and trade relations, and create a favorable international environment for the development of new quality productive forces.


Source: SASAC of The State Council