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To develop new quality productive forces, central enterprises set priorities

How do central enterprises develop new quality productive forces? "Innovation should be placed in a prominent position, and innovation and quality are top priorities." Said Zhang Yuzhuo, Party secretary and director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.


Recently, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council held a field promotion meeting to deepen the reform and upgrade of state-owned enterprises, and set the focus for the development of new quality productivity of central enterprises.


"Stand up to the sky" to solve the problem of technical source


Domestic large aircraft, domestic large cruise ships, aviation engines, gas turbines, fourth-generation nuclear power technology... These major scientific and technological achievements come from central enterprises, and are also the result of many years of layout and continuous investment by central enterprises. The relevant person in charge of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council made it clear that independent innovation should be strengthened and investment increased in the future.


In 2023, China will invest 3.3 trillion yuan in research and development, of which 1.06 trillion yuan will be invested by central enterprises, nearly one third of the country. "For central enterprises, it is necessary to be 'upright'." Zhang Yuzhuo said that in terms of "top of the sky", the central enterprises have done better, and a large number of scientific engineering and large scientific research achievements have come from the central enterprises. However, in terms of "site", especially in terms of underlying technology and root technology, there is still a big gap.


In 2023, central enterprises will invest 60 billion yuan in applied basic research, accounting for nearly 6% of R&D investment. The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council encourages central enterprises to further increase their efforts in basic research and applied basic research, especially to increase investment in goal-oriented basic research.


At the on-site promotion meeting of the deepening and upgrading of the reform of State-owned enterprises, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council further clarified that it is necessary to establish a medium and long cycle assessment and differentiated support system for basic research and forward-looking subversive research. It is necessary to increase incentives for innovation backbone personnel in a clear direction, prioritize the increase in total salaries for scientific and technological talents who have made contributions, and implement a separate list of total salaries for scientific research teams that undertake major national scientific and technological projects.


For the source of technology, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council stressed that central enterprises should adhere to open innovation and integrate into the global innovation network, and cannot be closed behind closed doors. At present, the central enterprises have a total of 330 R & D centers abroad, and will establish cooperative relations with domestic scientific research institutions, colleges and universities, leading private enterprises and innovative private enterprises to solve the technical source of new quality productivity through innovation.


"Central enterprises have great potential in scientific and technological innovation." Zhang Chi, an associate researcher at the Institute of Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that many central enterprises have a long-term technical foundation and accumulation in specific fields, and technology research and development is constantly breaking through to the forefront. In the future, central enterprises will further increase basic research and disruptive innovation research, and carry out more key common technology research, which will be conducive to the continuous birth of new industries, new models, and new momentum, and promote the accelerated development of new quality productivity.


"Both ends" work to promote industrial development and upgrading


Relying on its own advantages of cloud network integration, China Telecom has built the world's largest quantum metropolitan area network with the largest number of users and the most comprehensive application. Through the "holding direct investment + fund investment", SDIC invested in a number of unicorn enterprises such as Yuexin Semiconductor; Anhui explored the investment model led by state-owned assets, and promoted the development of strategic emerging industries such as integrated circuits; Beijing to build electronic information, automobile, energy conservation and environmental protection three "100 billion" industrial clusters... A number of state-owned central enterprises in the industrial depth layout, the results are beginning to show.


The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council proposed that central enterprises should adhere to the "two ends" of strategic emerging industries and traditional industries, and play a leading and supporting role in the development of new quality productivity.


On the one hand, strategic emerging industries and future industrial development should be placed in a prominent position. In 2023, the investment of central enterprises in strategic emerging industries increased by 32.1% year-on-year, according to the requirements of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the proportion will reach 35% by 2025, and the layout of brain-like intelligence, quantum information, controlled nuclear fusion and other aspects should be laid out in advance.


On the other hand, central enterprises have more layout in traditional industries, and they should use new technologies to carry out high-end, intelligent and green transformation and improve efficiency. At present, there are many landmark achievements in this area, the central enterprises have built more than 100 smart factories, but also launched the "artificial intelligence +" action, such as coal mine can achieve automation, unmanned, intelligent operation. With the help of artificial intelligence, large models, etc., many traditional industries are becoming "smarter" and "smarter".


"To develop strategic emerging industries and promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, we must have a sense of urgency to seize the day and wait for no one, and we must have a clear understanding that it is impossible to achieve it overnight." State Council SASAC Party Committee member, deputy director Wang Hongzhi said.


At present, many central enterprises are gathering superior resources to develop strategic emerging industries. The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council has made it clear that on the basis of identifying the entry point of the industry in combination with the actual situation, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of advance and retreat, adjust the structure, and move out the resource space to develop strategic emerging industries by revitalizing inefficient and ineffective assets and idle land. At the same time, central enterprises are encouraged to make good use of leverage, leverage more social capital for coordinated development, and flexibly use mergers and acquisitions, listing financing, industrial coordination, joint research and other ways to develop strategic emerging industries.


It is worth mentioning that in promoting industrial upgrading and development, the central enterprises play an obvious role in driving. In 2023, the purchase volume of central enterprises reached 13 trillion yuan, directly pulling the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain through procurement, and 2 million large, small and medium-sized enterprises. Recently, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council launched the action plan for industrial chain integration and development, issued more than 1,000 lists, and established deep-level cooperation with more than 5,000 enterprises. The central enterprises that make efforts at both ends are also expected to drive the upgrading and development of a group of upstream and downstream enterprises.


We will improve mechanisms and give play to the leading role of scientific and technological innovation


Innovation should be placed in a prominent position, and there should be an environment that is inclusive and encourages innovation. The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council said that it will further improve the system and mechanism of scientific and technological innovation of state-owned enterprises and open up the blocked points and card points of the development of new quality productivity.


Some enterprises are promoting the integration of the innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain and talent chain, and giving full play to the leading role of scientific and technological innovation in the development of new quality productivity. Dongfang Electric Group set up a "scientific research coordination agency" to realize the coordination of scientific research projects, resources and talents on the basis of clear responsibilities and rights; CRRC Group has strengthened internal and external cross-enterprise cross-domain joint research and development by setting up joint research and development team, establishing collaborative research and development mechanism and listing special incentives. In accordance with the idea of "unchanged system change mechanism", China Minmetals established a "virtual Central Research Institute" to effectively integrate the innovation resources of member units.


Each central enterprise in the industry, the level of development is different, innovation ecology has a common "problem solving ideas"?


"From the perspective of practical experience, fighting hard from the four aspects of internal and external system, assessment and incentive, tolerance of failure, and application scenarios is an important content of improving the system and mechanism of scientific and technological innovation and building a good innovation ecology." "Wang Hongzhi said.


In terms of assessment and incentive, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council is taking the lead in innovation and demonstration. For example, in the field of new energy vehicles, state-owned automobile enterprises are not developing fast enough. However, the layout of new energy vehicles, the initial investment is large, if the assessment of the current profit, it is not conducive to the full speed of the enterprise. To this end, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council adjusted the policy to conduct a separate assessment of the new energy vehicle business of the three central automobile enterprises, assess the technology, market share and future development, and remove the institutional obstacles that restrict the development of enterprises.


In terms of application scenarios, state-owned central enterprises are actively promoting the promotion and application of the "three first". State-owned enterprises should take the lead in giving priority to the use of independent innovation achievements such as the first (set) of equipment, the first batch of secondary materials, and the first edition of software, and actively provide application scenarios and trial environments. At present, at least 66 central enterprises have established "three first" procurement green channels, "enterprises that have not yet been established should be accelerated to achieve smooth and effective." "Wang Hongzhi said.


"It is up to everyone to create an environment for developing new quality productive forces." Zhang Yuzhuo stressed that the central enterprises should abandon some backward concepts in the past, such as short-term investment, short-term returns, the pursuit of scale, and making fast money, "now it is clearly required that the central enterprises must establish the concept of making a difference in the new quality of productivity."


Zhang Chi tracking research found that more central enterprises and state-owned capital are facing the strategic emerging industry investment layout with the foundation, to stimulate innovation as the goal of a more perfect assessment and supervision mechanism is accelerating the formation of the future central enterprises will continue to scientific and technological innovation to enable the development of new quality productivity.


Source: SASAC of The State Council