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Do a good job in finance

Banking and insurance received another blockbuster document. Recently, the State Financial Supervision and Administration issued the "Guidance Opinions on the Banking and Insurance industry to do a good job in finance" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guidance Opinions"), focusing on the development of new quality productivity, the landing of science and technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance, digital finance "five articles". We will propose specific measures to improve the quality and level of financial services for the real economy. In the view of experts, the "five big articles" point to the key areas of economic structure transformation and upgrading and high-quality development, and banking and insurance institutions should take the issuance of the "Guiding Opinions" as an opportunity to accelerate transformation and innovation, and improve the service of the real economy and their own steady development capabilities.


Improve the quality and effectiveness of services for the real economy


"Efforts should be made to create a sound monetary and financial environment and effectively strengthen quality financial services for major strategies, key areas and weak links," the Central Financial Work conference said. "Do a good job in five major articles on science and technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance and digital finance."


The person in charge of the relevant departments of the State Financial Supervision and Administration said that the financial "five big articles" have clarified the key tasks and realization paths of financial support for high-quality development, and pointed out the direction for improving the quality and efficiency of financial services to the real economy.


The "Guiding Opinions" put forward the main goal of doing a good job in financial "five big articles". In the next five years, the banking and insurance industry multi-level, wide coverage, diversification, and sustainable "five articles" service system is basically formed, the relevant working mechanism is more perfect, products are more abundant, service availability, coverage, and satisfaction are greatly improved, and effectively promote the development of new quality productivity.


For example, in the field of science and technology finance, it is required to further enhance the financial services for the whole life cycle of science and technology enterprises, significantly improve the level of funds and insurance guarantees for the transfer and transformation of research and development activities and scientific and technological achievements, continue to optimize the risk sharing mechanism of science and technology finance, and strive to form a virtuous circle of "science and technology - industry - finance".


"Finance is alive, economy is alive; Financial stability, economic stability." Dong Ximiao, chief researcher of Zhaolian, told our reporter that the "five big articles" point to the key areas of economic structure transformation and upgrading and high-quality development, and doing a good job of the "five big articles" is the support point of financial services to the real economy, and also the foothold of financial institutions to optimize business structure and achieve high-quality development. Banking and insurance institutions should take the issuance of the Guiding Opinions as an opportunity to accelerate transformation and innovation, explore and improve the organizational structure of the franchise, the special risk control system, the professional product system, and the special assessment mechanism, so as to improve the quality and efficiency of the real economy while enhancing their own stable development capabilities.


Optimize financial products and services


Recently, the first batch of products of "Shanghai Small Micro inclusive Insurance" were launched. The products are specially designed for small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial enterprises in Shanghai area to improve their risk prevention ability in production and operation and personal safety. The launch of the first batch of products is also an important step for the Shanghai insurance industry in the field of serving small and micro enterprises.


To do a good job in the "five big articles" of finance, we need to implement them in products and services. The Guidelines put forward specific requirements around optimizing the "five big Articles" financial products and services. Taking inclusive finance as an example, it proposes to focus on pain points and difficulties to strengthen inclusive financial services. Banking and insurance institutions should treat enterprises of all types of ownership fairly, and continue to increase financial support for private, small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households. We will encourage the development of products and services that meet the needs of small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households, and increase the supply of primary, renewal, credit, and medium - and long-term loans.


The People's Bank of China recently released a report showing that the overall loan demand index in the first quarter of China was 71.6%, up 10.1 percentage points from the previous quarter, and the increase of small and micro enterprises was higher than that of large and medium-sized enterprises. At the end of March, Pratt & Whitney small and micro loans grew 20.3% year-on-year, outpacing the growth of all loans.


"Since the beginning of this year, financial institutions have increased their support for inclusive finance and other fields, and the credit structure has continued to optimize." Dong Ximiao believes that to do a good job in financial "five big articles", financial institutions should further strengthen the management of financial resources investment and increase the tilt of resources. At the same time, optimize internal processes and improve service efficiency. The head office (head office) can fully authorize branches to achieve efficient approval and better meet users' timeliness requirements for funds and services.


Give full play to the advantages of banking and insurance institutions


Do a good job in financial "five big articles", how do each institution develop its strengths?


"Guiding Opinions" clearly, give play to the functional advantages of banking insurance institutions to serve "five big articles". Specifically, national commercial banks should give full play to the role of the main force. Large commercial banks should be better and stronger, take the road of conformal development, enhance the core competitiveness of financial technology, give play to the advantages of network channels and business function coordination, and improve the comprehensive financial service ability of "five big articles".


Small and medium-sized banks should base their operations on local characteristics. Urban commercial banks and private banks should give play to the role of serving urban and rural residents, serving small and medium-sized enterprises, and serving the local economy, pay attention to the use of advantages such as short management radius and flexible operation mechanism, and optimize the "five big articles" financial products and services.


"Banking and insurance institutions should do a good job in the 'five big articles' based on resource endowments and their own capabilities." Dong Ximiao said that for large banking and insurance institutions, overall arrangements should be made to promote the "five big articles" to advance together and coordinate development; Small and medium-sized bank insurance institutions should be based on the characteristics and needs of regions, industries and customers, focus on key points, and do a good job in inclusive finance and a characteristic business. In addition, large, small and medium-sized banking and insurance institutions should use advanced technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence to consolidate digital financial bases and capabilities, and truly make financial services ubiquitous and accessible.


The person in charge of the relevant departments of the State Financial Supervision and Administration said that it is necessary to strengthen the coordination and linkage of supervision and monetary, fiscal and taxation, industrial and environmental protection policies, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the government, enterprises and the market. We will promote the formation of a vivid situation in which various financial instruments complement each other, financial institutions perform their respective duties, and the "five big articles" are integrated and developed. (Reporter Li Jie)


Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition