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We will continuously improve the overall effectiveness of the national innovation system

The General secretary of Xi Jinping pointed out that "improve the new national system, strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological strength" and "improve the overall efficiency of the national innovation system." The improvement of the overall efficiency of the national innovation system is an important measure to strengthen the strategic deployment of scientific and technological innovation, and an important choice to transform the construction of the innovation system from a breakthrough to an overall promotion. Continuous improvement of the overall efficiency of the national innovation system is of great significance to enhance the systematic ability of scientific and technological innovation, realize scientific and technological self-reliance, and accelerate the formation of new quality productivity.


1. Improving the overall efficiency of the national innovation system is an important guarantee for the formation of new quality productivity


In the era of digital economy and artificial intelligence, in order to gain a dominant position in the fierce scientific and technological innovation competition environment, we must take building the world's scientific and technological power as an important task, and realize the transformation from the "runner" to the "runner" and "leader" in the international frontier technology competition. Integrating scientific and technological innovation resources with the existing industrial base, improving the new nationwide system, and improving the overall effectiveness of the national innovation system will help speed up the construction of a modern industrial system and promote the formation and development of new quality productive forces.


The national innovation system is an institutional system that systematically and efficiently integrates many innovation subjects, innovation factors, innovation organizations, and innovation environments around the country's major strategic needs and high-quality development needs, and is an important guarantee for the formation of new quality productivity. To improve the overall efficiency of the national innovation system is to ensure that the core and prominent issues of scientific and technological research such as subject collaboration, factor allocation, incentives and constraints, and openness and security are grasped and focused on the whole, so as to organize the participation of different innovation subjects in a more level, more regular and more efficient manner, mobilize the enthusiasm of different innovation resources, and optimize different innovation environments. In order to give full play to the complementary advantages of innovation factors and the deep integration of industry, university and research, promote the innovation system to work in the same direction, form a synergy, enhance effectiveness, and achieve the application and transformation of innovation achievements as well as the established scientific and technological innovation and economic and social development goals. Improving the overall efficiency of the national innovation system and improving the systematic ability of scientific and technological innovation can effectively help the formation and development of new quality productivity and achieve high-quality development.


Xi Jinping General Secretary stressed: "Scientific and technological innovation can generate new industries, new models, new momentum, is the core element of the development of new quality productivity." The overall efficiency of the national innovation system includes higher quality scientific and technological workers, higher technical content of innovation data and a wider range of innovation objects, integrating labor, labor materials, labor objects, science and technology, management and other innovation factors, and realizing efficient coordination of innovation factors with many other factors. To guide the transformation, innovation and adjustment of production subjects, production objects, production tools, production objects and production modes with more efficient technological innovation, promote the efficient flow, open sharing, system integration, development and collaboration of material, technology, knowledge, management, data and other factors, and promote the effective reduction of transaction costs, the improvement of resource allocation efficiency and the improvement of total factor productivity. To unleash greater productivity. The improvement of the overall efficiency of the national innovation system means higher level and higher standard high-tech productivity, higher efficiency and higher capacity basic industrial productivity with strategic emerging industries and future industries as the main carrier, higher quality productivity with a high level of dynamic balance between new supply and new demand, and also means the cultivation of highly efficient disruptive and original scientific and technological innovation. We will foster new industries, new models and new drivers of growth at a higher level, and accelerate the formation and development of new quality productive forces.


2. Improving the overall efficiency of the national innovation system is an important starting point to achieve scientific and technological self-reliance


With the improvement of the overall efficiency of the national innovation system, the technical systematization ability, organizational systematization ability and talent systematization ability of scientific and technological innovation will also be improved. Therefore, constantly improving the overall efficiency of the national innovation system is also an important starting point to achieve scientific and technological self-reliance.


First of all, traction to improve the level of basic research. Promoting the continuous improvement of the overall efficiency of the national innovation system will help gather more forces, resources and elements to achieve originality, originality, and "from 0 to 1" scientific and technological research, and help form a scientific and technological innovation community, an ecological body, and a destiny body with mutual technological support and interdisciplinary integration. On the one hand, it can more effectively and effectively support and lead deep-level basic research, and continuously consolidate the advantages of basic research under the premise of following scientific laws and grasping the overall trend, which can effectively support the optimization of the industrial chain, innovation chain and value chain, and better undertake major tasks at the forefront of international science and technology, major national needs and regional strategic needs. Continuously obtain a number of original, breakthrough and subversive scientific and technological innovation achievements; On the other hand, the technical system of the national innovation system will also promote a higher level of interdisciplinary collaboration, academic cross-collaboration and R&D cross-collaboration, which is not only conducive to breaking the competition of technological homogeneity, but also conducive to improving the sporadic and fragmented expansion of technological innovation industry, promoting the integration and development of disciplines, and benign interaction between technology systems, disciplinary systems and R&D systems.


Second, we will deepen reform of the science and technology system. The establishment of a national innovation system is conducive to the establishment of a systematic mechanism for the coordination of scientific and technological innovation subjects, a systematic mechanism for the allocation of innovation factors, a systematic mechanism for the incentive and restraint of scientific research, and a systematic mechanism for the opening up and security of science and technology. It is also conducive to deepening the reform and innovation of China's scientific and technological systems and mechanisms in accordance with the different laws of scientific research, technological development, industrial innovation, and international cooperation. We will promote integrated development of basic and applied research. Improving the overall efficiency of the national innovation system means the improvement of the systematic ability of innovation subjects to cooperate, which is conducive to the realization of the division of labor and cooperation of scientific research and innovation subjects, the coupling and coordination of innovation subjects and innovation objects, the collaboration and synchronization of scientific research platforms and leading enterprises in the industry, and the formation of interdisciplinary and cross-unit collaborative research teams and organizational mechanisms. It means that the systematic ability of innovation factor allocation is improved, which is conducive to better promoting major science and technology strategies and major science and technology projects, promoting the continuous accumulation of innovation resources and innovation factors, fully releasing the vitality of science and technology innovation, and forming the optimal allocation mechanism of innovation resource market. It means that the ability to improve the systematization of science and technology openness and security is conducive to coordinating global innovation resources, steadily promoting international innovation cooperation projects, accelerating the construction of an open cooperation platform for international innovation resources and creating an international science and technology innovation center with global influence, and providing an important institutional mechanism for deeply embedding the global science and technology innovation chain and more actively integrating into the global innovation network.


Finally, support the formation of a basic system conducive to comprehensive innovation. The improvement of the overall efficiency of the national innovation system means that the enthusiasm and creativity of scientific and technological innovation talents have been fully mobilized, and the systematic ability of scientific and technological innovation talents has been continuously improved, which is essential to the formation of the basic system supporting comprehensive innovation. The improvement of the overall efficiency of the national innovation system is conducive to promoting the institutionalization of rules, regulations, processes and methods for the selection of young scientific and technological talents, as well as the institutionalization of the training organization, management and scientific research funding of young scientific and technological talents. It is conducive to promoting the introduction of scientific and technological talents in scale, hierarchy and structure, and realizing the efficient and rational flow of scientific and technological talents. It is conducive to the reform and innovation of science and technology talent evaluation organization, process, method, standard, content and system, and promotes the differentiation of talent incentive top-level design, incentive methods and tools, incentive reform system, innovation system and classification system; The economic environment, such as capital, housing, salary and incentives, the legal environment, such as intellectual property protection and patent value protection, and the spiritual and cultural environment, such as sense of gain, happiness and satisfaction, are optimized to promote the development of scientific and technological talents.


3. Main ways to improve the overall effectiveness of the national innovation system


To continuously improve the overall efficiency of the national innovation system, it is necessary to further enhance the supply capacity of technological innovation, strengthen the systematic ability of scientific and technological innovation organizations, and continuously improve the systematic ability of talents.


We will work hard to increase the supply capacity of technological innovation. We will accelerate the development of standards for key and core technologies, strengthen the development of evaluation and standard systems for generative artificial intelligence security technologies, large-scale network security protection technologies, and personal data protection technologies, encourage and support enterprises to carry out research and development of key and core technologies, and promote open source and open access to key and core technologies. Focusing on building R&D and innovation platforms for key generic technologies, relying on the scientific research facilities of universities and institutes, building a number of national-level R&D and innovation platforms for key generic technologies and standardized pilot demonstration R&D and innovation platforms, and actively building shared laboratories, test platforms and R&D centers in artificial intelligence, quantum information, life sciences and other fields. We will build a one-stop service platform covering the whole chain of verification centers, pilot platforms, and technical standards, and fully carry out research and development of key common technologies such as new materials, high-end chips, and basic software. Create technological innovation application demonstration scenarios. Focus on urban governance, government services, smart medical care, smart education and other fields, promote the application of big data and big model scenarios in various fields, and timely release application scenarios with demonstration and leading role for intelligent manufacturing, finance, consumption, scientific research and other fields.


Strengthen the ability to systematize scientific and technological innovation organizations. Give full play to the supporting role of the government's industrial investment fund, increase the funding support for original technology research and development, actively promote seed investment, angel investment, venture capital and other small investment early investment in "hard technology", promote a number of scientific and technological innovation enterprises and new research and development institutions listed financing, attract more social capital to the original technological innovation areas and links, guide social capital to participate in original technological innovation. We will vigorously carry out basic research and applied basic research, fully rely on the advantages of scientific research resources and research strength of universities, research institutes and national laboratories, build a group of leading scientific and technological enterprises with original capabilities, accelerate the formation of cutting-edge, cross-cutting and subversive original technological achievements, and improve the original innovation capability of "0 to 1". Create a reform and innovation mechanism for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, build an innovation mechanism for the transfer and transformation of innovation achievements that is "the main body of enterprises, the market, and the integration of production, university and research", and create a rapid industrialization mechanism for scientific and technological achievements that are "R&D and transformation".


We will promote the systematic development of human resources to a higher level. We should make systematic plans for scientific and technological talents, take the demand for innovative talents in strategic emerging industries and future industries as the guidance, do a good job in planning and planning for the development of new quality productivity talents, and strengthen the precise introduction and all-round training of talents. Establish a multi-level talent introduction mechanism, gather global scientific and technological elites, and attract a number of talents with high scientific and technological professionalism and strong professional skills. A research fund for innovative disciplines will be set up to attract a group of highly qualified and skilled professionals to engage in scientific research; All kinds of institutions are encouraged to explore various forms of cooperation with foreign first-class universities and research institutes, and introduce high-level talents and talent teams. We will improve the mechanism for training scientific and technological personnel, take major scientific and technological tasks and innovation bases as the carrier, and train a group of strategic scientists, high-level innovative personnel and technical teams who can grasp the global trend of science and technology and study and judge the direction of science and technology development in innovation practice.


Source: SASAC of The State Council