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The fluctuation of Chinese economy can be seen from the flow of funds of listed banks

The asset scale of listed banks accounts for about 80% of the total assets of China's commercial banks, which is the main force of the banking industry to support the real economy.


The 2023 annual performance report of listed banks has been released one after another, and the reporter read the annual report and found that the loan growth in scientific and technological innovation, advanced manufacturing, green development, personal consumption and other fields is obvious. The increase in the total amount of credit issued by listed banks and the optimization of the structure are strongly supporting the high-quality development of the economy and society.


Focus on real enterprise loans increased


Industrial and Commercial Bank of China's domestic RMB loans increased by 2.9 trillion yuan, an increase of 355.5 billion yuan year-on-year, Agricultural Bank of China's new loans of 2.85 trillion yuan, Bank of China's domestic RMB loans of 2.28 trillion yuan, and Construction Bank's new loans of 2.66 trillion yuan... In 2023, the loan investment of a number of listed banks continued to increase.


"To implement the country's policy guidance, in response to the capital needs of the real economy in the process of recovery and development, we have taken a moderate lead, coordinated the intensity, pace and focus of investment and financing, and continuously improved the quality and efficiency of services for the real economy." Industrial and Commercial Bank of China vice President Wang Jingwu said.


Where will the new loans mainly go? Reading the annual report, it can be seen that all listed banks have allocated financial resources to major strategies, key areas and weak links in economic and social development, and the supply of funds in scientific and technological innovation, advanced manufacturing, green development, private small and micro fields has continued to increase.


Manufacturing loans have become the focus of listed banks' credit issuance. By the end of 2023, the balance of agricultural Bank's manufacturing loans was 2.95 trillion yuan, an increase of 28%; The balance of bank of China manufacturing loans exceeded 2.5 trillion yuan, an increase of 28.05% from the end of last year.


Technology companies are getting more money. By the end of 2023, the balance of science and technology loans of China Construction Bank was 1.53 trillion yuan, an increase of 24.13% over the end of the previous year; Everbright Bank technology enterprise loan balance increased 50.6% from the end of last year.


Increasing credit to private enterprises is also a major trend. By the end of 2023, the balance of loans to private enterprises of China Construction Bank and Agricultural Bank of China exceeded 5 trillion yuan, and the balance of loans to private enterprises of Bank of China increased by more than 790 billion yuan compared with the end of last year.


"In the first two months of this year, our bank's new loans to private enterprises increased by nearly 300 billion yuan, which is higher than the average loan growth rate of the whole bank." Agricultural Bank Chairman Gu Shu said that the government work report proposed to increase the proportion of loans to private enterprises, Agricultural Bank will increase the allocation of resources, innovative product and service models, to ensure the steady growth of private enterprise loans, the proportion continues to increase.


Experts said that aiming at the direction of economic transformation and high-quality development, credit funds accelerated their flow to key areas of the national economy, providing strong support for the economic recovery.


Stimulate consumption potential Personal consumption loans maintained rapid growth


Credit funds are not only the "blood" of enterprise production and operation, but also the driving force to release the vitality of people's consumption. In the context of expanding domestic demand and boosting consumption, the banking industry has increased investment in personal consumption loans, promoted the release of the potential of the consumer market, and injected impetus into the recovery of the economy.


According to the annual report, by the end of 2023, the balance of personal consumption loans of Agricultural Bank of China was 340.9 billion yuan, an increase of 147.1 billion yuan, or 75.9%; The balance of personal consumption loans of China Construction Bank was 421,623 billion yuan, an increase of 42.71% over the end of the previous year.


Li Lin, vice president of the Agricultural Bank of China, said that the Agricultural Bank will support and expand consumer financial services as a top priority, based on the stability and expansion of traditional consumption, precise docking of new consumer financial needs, actively integrate into green consumption, health care, new energy vehicles, home appliances and other consumption scenarios, and continue to increase the investment of personal consumption loans.


In addition to state-owned large banks, joint-stock banks also maintained a high growth rate of personal consumption loans. By the end of 2023, the balance of consumer loans of China Merchants Bank was 301.538 billion yuan, an increase of 49.11% over the end of last year.


Experts said that it is necessary to further play the active role of finance in supporting consumption, promote consumer credit management model and product innovation, increase financial support for new consumption key areas, meet residents' reasonable consumer credit needs, and help the consumer market continue to recover.


Credit demand picks up and loan issuance will "stabilize quantity and improve quality"


The year 2024 is a key year for achieving the goals and tasks of the 14th Five-Year Plan. It is of great significance for the financial sector to provide more precise and effective support for economic development. From the information released by a number of banks' performance conferences, the banking industry will maintain steady growth of loan issuance in 2024, continue to optimize the credit structure, and strive to achieve the same frequency resonance of financial supply and industrial transformation and upgrading.


"This year, the economic operation will maintain a good trend of recovery, and bank credit demand and reserves will further strengthen." We will balance the overall volume and optimize the structure of credit, and improve the quality and efficiency of credit supply." "Mr. Gu said.


Whether the effective credit demand is sufficient is an important indicator to measure the economic recovery and development and enterprise investment confidence. "With the country vigorously promoting the construction of a modern industrial system and accelerating the development of new quality productivity policies, the demand for loans in scientific and technological innovation, green transformation and development, as well as high-tech manufacturing is still relatively strong." Wang Bing, vice president of China Construction Bank, said it expected to achieve double-digit growth in public loans throughout the year.


From the perspective of the areas of concern of the banks, scientific and technological innovation, advanced manufacturing, private small and micro, green development and other fields will remain the focus of credit delivery. Some banks have separate credit growth plans for key businesses to ensure precise and powerful resource support. In 2024, the Agricultural Bank of China plans to increase county loans by more than 1.3 trillion yuan, strive to increase the loans of the People's Bank of China in inclusive finance by 800 billion yuan, and plan to increase the green credit of the People's Bank of China by 1 trillion yuan.


Lin Jingzhen, vice president of the Bank of China, said that it will strive to increase the growth contribution of consumer loans, actively meet the rigid and improved housing financing needs, help expand new consumption scenarios, and effectively support the promotion of consumption, stable investment, and expand domestic demand.


It is worth noting that a number of banks have placed new quality productivity in a more prominent position, and are carrying out an active layout to accelerate the formation of an integrated service ecology for new quality productivity. "The next step will be to further explore new models and new paths for financial services to help cultivate and grow new quality productivity." Wang Jingwu said.


Source: Chinese government website