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Create a better future through openness and cooperation

"Let us work together to safeguard the hard-won free trade and multilateral trading system, share the historical opportunity of the development of global trade in services, and work together for a better and more prosperous future for the world."  


At present, the century-old changes are accelerating, and the world economic recovery lacks impetus. At the same time, global trade in services and cooperation in the service sector are developing in depth, digitalization, intellectualization and greening are accelerating, and new technologies, new business forms and models are emerging in an endless stream, injecting strong impetus into economic globalization, restoring global economic vitality and enhancing the resilience of world economic development. Since 2012, the Service Trade Fair and its predecessor Beijing Fair have attracted more than 600,000 exhibition merchants from 196 countries and regions, and more than 600 foreign associations and institutions from families to participate in the exhibition. With the theme of "Opening Up Leads Development, Cooperation and Win-win Future", this year's Trade in Services Conference will further play an important role as a platform for expanding opening-up, deepening cooperation and leading innovation, and build consensus and synergy for the development of the global service industry and service trade.


We will promote inclusive development by opening up services, promote interconnection and integration through service cooperation, foster growth momentum through service innovation, and create a better future through service sharing. By working together to promote the vigorous development of global trade in services, countries will surely add new driving forces and stimulate new vitality to global development.


This year marks the 45th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up. Practice has fully proved that China cannot develop in isolation from the world, and the world needs China for prosperity. Over the past decade, China's annual contribution to world economic growth has exceeded 30% on average. Since the beginning of this year, the Chinese economy has maintained a sound momentum of recovery. The Chinese economy has strong resilience, great potential and vitality. The fundamentals of the Chinese economy will remain sound in the long run. The ship of the Chinese economy will ride the wind and waves and keep moving forward. On the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, China's confidence and resolve in reform and opening up will not waver, and China's door to the outside world will only open wider. From expanding the global network of high-standard free trade zones, expanding market access for the service sector, to deepening cooperation on trade in services and digital trade with Belt and Road countries; From accelerating the cultivation of new digital drivers of service trade, supporting the service industry to play a bigger role in green development, to focusing on expanding domestic demand and proactively expanding imports of high-quality services...


More than 500 of the world's top 500 companies and industry leaders attended the conference, and the UK, the guest of honor, formed the largest exhibition group since the exhibition, and more than 60 enterprises and institutions launched a batch of new products and technologies in artificial intelligence, financial technology, medical health, cultural and creative fields. Inside and outside the Service Trade Fair, there is a surge of openness and cooperation. Openness brings progress, while seclusion leads to backwardness. By holding the "golden key" of peace, development and win-win cooperation, sharing opportunities and achieving common development, we will be able to solve the problems facing the world economy and work together for a better future.


Source: Chinese government website