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The reform of state-owned enterprises in Ningxia has taken full force

In recent years, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region has accelerated the optimization of the layout and structural adjustment of the state-owned economy, fostered green growth drivers, worked hard to solve reform problems, and gradually established a modern enterprise system and state assets supervision system, so that enterprises can carry on lightly. According to statistics, from January to November this year, Ningxia state-owned assets department supervision and statistical assets enterprises achieved operating revenue of 157.75 billion yuan, a year-on-year growth of 17.7%, profit of 13.82 billion yuan, a year-on-year growth of 65%.

"Since the implementation of the three-year action to reform state-owned enterprises, we have made every effort to deepen and strengthen all tasks, further optimize the structure of state capital distribution, further accelerate the pace of innovation and development of state-owned enterprises, further improve the quality of Party building in enterprises, and enhance the overall function of the state economy." Ningxia SASAC Party Secretary Wu Qiong introduced.

Optimize the layout and reshape the industrial advantages

At the Ningdong base, huge installations stand tall and milky white pipes fill the factory, gathering heat. Not far from the park, a train pulls out, carrying 10, 000 tonnes of polypropylene from Ningxia Coal to Thailand.

From deep coal farming to focusing on coal-to-oil chemical industry, to optimizing the layout to promote the new energy industry, the transformation of Ningxia coal industry companies has not come easily. In the past, the company was faced with the development dilemma of low level of upstream and downstream industrial chain cluster, short industrial chain, raw material supply and product sales.

In recent years, Ningxia Coal Industry Company has promoted the rapid development of enterprises through management upgrading, salary reform, market expansion, innovation and efficiency and other measures. In addition, the company optimizes the organization and staffing of the headquarters, constructs a diversified recruitment mechanism, builds a platform for managers to compete for posts and exchange posts in rotation, and intensifies the selection of young cadres.

The reform of state-owned enterprises brings about the optimization of industrial layout of Ningxia coal companies. Today, the company has taken solid steps in green and low-carbon development.

"The reform effect of Ningxia Coal Industry Company is the reflection of Ningxia's continuous reshaping of traditional industrial advantages." Jin Hu, second inspector of Ningxia SASAC, introduced that Ningxia SASAC has successively issued policy documents such as the 14th Five-Year Plan for the reform and development of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, constantly accelerating the layout of the middle and high-end links of the traditional industry chain, and vigorously promoting the high-end, intelligent and green transformation of traditional industries.

Integrate resources to foster growth momentum

"In accordance with the working idea of reconstructing the integrated operation of market players in 'investment, financing, construction, management, maintenance and transportation' of expressways in the region, implementing the working requirements and setting up a leading group for reform and undertaking." Gou Yongtao, general manager of Ningxia Jiaotou Expressway Management Co., LTD., said that after the reform, the enterprise volume has achieved scale, the operation is more market-oriented, and the development is more collaborative.

Due to the large initial investment and long construction period, the shortage of project capital has long plagued the acceleration and upgrading of transport infrastructure construction in the western region. Gou Yongtao said frankly that the enterprises originally engaged in construction, planning, construction, investment and financing and other different fields have played a greater role after integration.

The list goes on. In the reform of state-owned enterprises, Ningxia Agricultural Reclamation Group closely focuses on the advantageous industries in the autonomous region, focusing on intelligent agriculture, unmanned farms, organic agricultural products, zero carbon reclamation and other fields to accelerate development. At present, the group has established a development pattern with milk, wine, wolfberry and other industries as the main body, supported by science and technology, talent, intelligence and culture.

"In the reform of state-owned enterprises, Ningxia State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission has established a leadership mechanism, locked key points and targeted efforts, continued to promote the implementation of reform tasks, focused on the orientation of major national policies and the distribution of key industries in the autonomous region, and continued to improve the allocation and operation efficiency of state-owned capital." Jin Hu said that in the future, it will continue to deepen the restructuring reform of enterprises, classify and integrate enterprises and assets with cross-dispersed resources, similar main business and industries, further integrate resources, optimize the layout structure of state-owned capital, and cultivate growth momentum.

Slim and healthy body, improve the quality of operation

"Only by constantly pushing enterprises to slim down and keep fit can favorable conditions be created for enterprises to carry on lightly and participate in market competition fairly. In the practice of reform, we have continued to eliminate the 'two non' (not the main business, not the advantages) and 'two capital' (inefficient assets, ineffective assets), to solve problems left over from history." "Said the Golden Tiger.

The reform and development of Ningxia Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. was once difficult to push forward due to many problems left over from history, heavy debts and heavy burdens, as well as "small, scattered and weak" ownership enterprises. "We have continued to strengthen the reduction of enterprises, in the construction sector of low profit, high debt, operating difficulties through the closure and transfer of measures to gradually clean up, reduce operating and management costs, to solve the difficulties of enterprises, 'zombie enterprises' and homogenized management problems." Ningxia Construction Investment Group Co., LTD. Deputy Party secretary, general manager Li Zhiguo said.

The system reform of Ningxia Construction Investment is an epitome of Ningxia state-owned enterprises slim down and healthy. The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Ningxia deepened the restructuring and reform of district-owned enterprises, classified and integrated enterprises and assets with cross-dispersed resources, similar main businesses and industries, and further optimized the layout structure of state-owned capital.

According to statistics, since the implementation of the state-owned enterprise reform in the past three years, Ningxia has completed the liquidation of 34 "two non" and "two capital" enterprises and 24 "zombie enterprises", basically completed the management of 25 key loss-making sub-enterprises, and disposed of a total of 4.1 billion yuan of inefficient and invalid assets. The main business of enterprises has become more prominent and the operation quality has been continuously improved.

Source: State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council