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We will accelerate efforts to build a unified national market and create a new development pattern

The General secretary pointed out that to build a new development pattern, there is an urgent need to speed up the construction of a unified national market with high efficiency, standards, fair competition and full openness, establish unified market systems and rules nationwide, and promote the smooth flow of commodity factors and resources in a wider area. The recently issued Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council on Accelerating the construction of a unified National Market (hereinafter referred to as the Opinions) are of great significance for the construction of a high-standard market system and the acceleration of the construction of a new development pattern.

The construction of national unified market needs to further promote the unification of market infrastructure, market operation and market supervision

To build a unified national market, we must promote the unification of market infrastructure, market operation and market supervision, and achieve the trinity of "facilities, operation and supervision". To this end, the Opinions put forward the requirements of strengthening the unification of basic market institutions and rules, promoting the high-standard connectivity of market facilities, creating a unified market for factors and resources, promoting the high-level unification of commodity and service markets, and promoting the fair unification of market supervision. These five requirements are closely linked and interconnected, and must be comprehensively promoted in order to finally form a complete and high-standard market operation system. First of all, the market infrastructure system unified rules and market high standard unicom, including perfect unification of property rights protection system, unified market access system, to safeguard the unity of the unified system of fair competition and improve the social credit system, construction of modern circulation network, improve the market channels of information interaction, promote upgrading of the trading platform, etc. This is the software and hardware foundation for building a large, unified national market. Only by consolidating the foundation can we build a high-standard market system. Second, build unified, and the elements of market, advancing market high level unified goods and services, including establish a unified land and labor market, capital market, technology and data market, energy markets, ecological environment, to the people concerned, the market main body concerned areas as the key point, strive to improve the quality and standard system, etc., This is the key work of building a unified national market, emphasizing the further promotion of unified market operation. Finally, to promote fair and unified market supervision means to standardize and unify the supervision of market behaviors, including improving unified market supervision rules, strengthening unified market supervision and law enforcement, and comprehensively improving the ability of market supervision. Whether market supervision is fair and unified determines the success or failure of national unified market construction.

To build a unified national market and promote the unification of market infrastructure, market operation and market supervision, in addition to further realizing the requirements of the above five aspects, it is also necessary to further regulate acts of unfair competition and market interference. These include strengthening anti-monopoly, investigating and punishing unfair competition, removing local protection and regional barriers, clearing up and abolishing regulations and practices that hinder equal access and withdrawal according to law, and clearing up regulations and practices that violate the construction of the unified market in the field of bidding and procurement. The Opinions make specific provisions on these issues. The purpose of these measures is to break down all kinds of explicit and implicit barriers restricting the construction of a unified national market.

Through the above measures, can continue to promote the domestic market and efficient unimpeded and scale expansion, speed up the build stable fair and transparent business environment, to be expected to further reduce market transaction costs, promote scientific and technological innovation and industry upgrading, cultivate new advantages of China's enterprises to participate in international competition cooperation, to build domestic large cycle as the main body, domestic and international dual cycle to promote the new development pattern of each other, To realize the high quality development of Chinese economy and provide high-quality and efficient market services.

Building a unified national market is beneficial to give full play to the advantages of China's super - scale market

960 square kilometers of land area in our country, at the end of 2021 the total population of 1.413 billion, the second highest GDP in the world, with a lot of elements, resources, the supply of goods and services market and the market demand, this kind of very large scale market has many advantages, such as huge market potential, market dynamics and market competitiveness, toughness of economic development, We have a strong capacity to adjust and allocate resources, and have broader room for manoeuvre to cope with the impact of uncertainties at home and abroad. It is attractive to the external market, conducive to the introduction of foreign investment and rapid integration into the international market, and promote greater opening to the outside world; Under special circumstances, it can realize self-economic circulation and maintain economic independence. And so on. Using these advantages, since the reform and opening up, our country has successfully answered the impact of the Asian Financial crisis and the international financial crisis etc. But if there is monopoly and barrier phenomenon between various areas and various industries and products, each market has its own operating rules and management methods, causing the fragmentation of the market, cannot form the national unified big market, will affect the full play of our large scale market advantages. To further promote the construction of a unified national market, we must, in accordance with the requirements of four "unified" and one "connected" put forward in the Opinions, further exert the advantages of China's super-large market, and provide solid market support for the construction of a new development pattern and the realization of high-quality economic development.

Building a national unified market can further improve and enhance market efficiency

To further improve market efficiency and continuously reduce market transaction costs is the main purpose of building a national unified market. The so-called market efficiency refers to the optimal efficiency that can be achieved under perfect competition. Of course, this is only an ideal state. In real economic activities, perfect competition does not exist, because any market subject and operation mechanism will be restricted by asymmetric information, incomplete management system, limited rationality and other factors, so that perfect competition in a pure sense cannot be realized. Market efficiency is always affected by the efficiency of market resources allocation, the efficiency of market institutions and rules, and the efficiency of market information. Deficiencies in any one of these aspects will weaken the overall market efficiency, but this also indicates that there is always room for improvement in market efficiency. The measures put forward in the Opinions are, in fact, efforts to improve market efficiency. The main direction of improvement is to improve the market efficiency from the aspects of market resource allocation efficiency, market institutional rule efficiency and market information efficiency, so as to reduce the loss of market efficiency caused by monopoly, unfair competition behavior, local protection, regional barriers and different rules.

Under the condition of certain market allocation mode and market system rules, market information usually reflects and affects market efficiency most directly from logistics, information flow and capital flow. Therefore, the Opinions put forward more specific unification and improvement measures on issues related to logistics, information flow and capital flow. Such as "opinions" put forward the construction of modern circulation network, optimize the circulation infrastructure layout, promote the construction of national logistics hub network, develop the third party logistics, to strengthen the construction of emergency logistics system, perfect the national comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network, establish and improve the urban and rural integration, regional unicom, safe and efficient network such as telecommunications, energy and other infrastructure, Both are significant measures to speed up the flow of logistics and capital; "Opinions" also puts forward perfect market information communication channel, unified property right transaction information release mechanism, optimizing the industry of the public announcement and other important information distribution channels, optimize the market main body information bulletin, promote the same type and with the purpose of authentication information platform construction of unified interface, open market main body in accordance with the law, the investment project, the production, capacity and other information, is to speed up the information flow, Important measures to realize information sharing. As the opinions are carried out, the market efficiency of our country will be greatly improved.

Building a unified national market will help achieve a better combination of an efficient market and a promising government

Under the condition of market economy, the market is the decisive force of resource allocation. However, the market allocation of resources objectively has shortcomings, in addition to the market failure in the field of public goods and services, there are also blindness and lag in other areas, which requires better play of the role of the government. Therefore, the correct handling of the relationship between the government and the market has become the fundamental problem that the reform of the economic system needs to solve. An important principle for building a unified national market put forward in the Opinions is to build an effective market and a competent government. To build an effective market, we must adhere to the principle of marketization and the rule of law, and give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation. To build a competent government, we must give full play to the functions and roles of the government in macro-control, market supervision, social management, public services and environmental protection. In accordance with the Opinions, we should strengthen the position of the foundation of competition policy, accelerate the transformation of government functions, make full use of the advantages of the super-large market, let demand better lead the optimization of supply, and supply better serve the expansion of demand, so as to unify the large market to gather resources, promote growth, stimulate innovation, optimize the division of labor, and promote competition.

Building a unified national market can better promote domestic and international double circulation

To build a new development pattern, we cannot do without the support, guarantee and drive of the national unified market, whether it is to smooth the great domestic circulation or to promote the double domestic and international circulation. To smooth the great domestic circulation, we must ensure the smooth flow of value chain, supply chain and industrial chain, and speed up the circulation and turnover of goods and capital. This needs to be connected and driven through the construction of a unified national market. Without the market, the allocation of social resources cannot be carried out. Without the construction of a unified national market, the efficiency of resource allocation will be seriously affected, and the economic cycle will be hindered. To promote international circulation, we must ensure the smooth integration of domestic supply chains and industrial chains with international supply chains and industrial chains, and achieve autonomy, control, safety and efficiency. In addition, we need to build a modern international logistics system that is convenient, safe, unimpeded and efficient to facilitate the exchange and flow of goods and services among countries. The construction of the national unified market is conducive to the effective connection between the domestic market and the international market, so as to integrate the domestic market into the international market, make better use of the two markets and two resources, and promote the domestic and international double circulation.

Source: State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council